Babylon Bee CEO Offers LibsOfTikTok Job

Babylon Bee Offers LibsOfTikTok Job-

ICYMI – Taylor Lorenz, a journalist from The Washington Post, recently released an article exposing the woman behind the renowned Twitter account LibsOfTikTok.

People immediately came to the account’s defense, claiming that Lorenz took part in “doxxing” and “harassment” in a quest to expose the account owner’s real identity.

Nevertheless, Lorenz doubled down on her article, tweeting, “@LibsofTikTok has become a powerful cross-platform social media influencer, spreading anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment and fueling the right wing media’s outrage machine. I wrote [about] the account, the woman behind it, and why it matters.”

Babylon Bee Offers LibsOfTikTok Job-

Now, The Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon has weighed in, slamming Lorenz while dismissing her arguments as “pure intimidation.”

“They’re threatened by her effectiveness, so they hope to silence her by making her too afraid to continue,” Dillon shared on Twitter.

The CEO continued: “I think they’ll also be surprised by the support she receives.”

Next came the job offer. “I’ve worked out a deal with her that will turn her heroic, high-risk work into a career,” he said. “They may have exposed her, but they’ll never stop her. Long live @libsoftiktok,” he concluded.

As Dillion referenced, the woman behind LibsOfTikTok has already received an immense amount of support. With thousands upon thousands of people coming to her defense, and an increase of around “50,000” Twitter followers according to the user.

In an ironic twist, Lorenz even broke down during a recent MSNBC interview. Where she complained about “threats” and “online bullying” that she has since received since publishing her article.


Other defenders of LibsOfTikTok included Ben Shapiro of The Daily Wire, “Breaking Points” co-host Saagar Enjeti, and actor James Woods.

Shapiro pointed out that the article was hardly an “expose” as the woman’s name and face were already public. “The only thing @libsoftiktok is guilty of is being funnier than you,” Shapiro tweeted.

Enjeti called Lorenz’ actions a “disgusting display of cowardice & harassment.”



“There’s a real story about how @libsoftiktok by simply posting videos became objectively one of the most important conservative activists in the entire country Taylor Lorenz refuses to engage with the actual content/why it resonates and chooses to try and destroy her instead,” Enjeni added.

And finally, Woods put it quite succinctly when he said: “@libsoftiktok isn’t doing anything wrong. @TaylorLorenz is.”

To put a pin in this saga, LibsOfTikTok assured her followers she was “holed up in a safe location” per a statement on Twitter.

That statement read: “Words cannot express how appreciative I am of the support I’m receiving right now. Thankfully I’m currently holed up in a safe location. I’m confident we will get through this and come out even stronger. Grateful for all the thoughts and prayers.”

The content LibsOfTikTok shares, which are simply just uploads of videos from left-wingers, has rightfully turned into an important movement for conservatives.

One that many, including prominent figures like the CEO of The Babylon Bee, are willing to defend tooth and nail no matter the stakes.

Babylon Bee Offers LibsOfTikTok Job-

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