Based Maine Mayor Isgro Continues Fight Against Coronavirus with Good Friday Proclamation

With the spread of the Chinese Coronavirus continuing across the nation, Nick Isgro, the mayor of Waterville, Maine a city of seventeen thousand people in the central part of the Pine Tree State, has found himself taking on a leadership role in the fight again the virus.
Last month Mayor Isgro was one of the first politicians in the nation to ring the alarm bell concerning how COVID-19 and other viruses such as Influenza can be transmitted thru the use of reusable grocery bags. His concerns and efforts helped single use plastic bags to return to many stores across the State of Maine.
Today the Mayor has taken another step in the fight against the Chinese born virus; this one takes a more spiritual direction, as he has released a Mayoral Proclamation calling for fasting and prayer.
The Mayoral Proclamation is titled “Good Friday, A Day of Fasting & Prayer, 2020”.
Citing the anxiety and hardship that many are going thru, and the tradition of fasting and prayer as a means of relief from plagues and pestilence, the proclamation requests that “residents spend the day in fasting and prayer, calling down upon our community all of God’s mercy to relieve and protect us from all affliction.”
Isgro finished his proclamation by saying, “Further, I commend our city and its people to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to the intercession of all Angels and Saints in Heaven. I also pray that all Christians have a joyous and blessed Easter, and for our Jewish community, all of God’s blessing for a grace-filled Passover.”
When asked about why he has taken this direction in the fight against COVID-19 and what he hopes to accomplish, Isgro said in remarks to Big League Politics, “I wanted to make this proclamation to bring our people together in a communal effort, and remind people we are not helpless in times of trouble. Our ancestors understood this.”