Ben Shapiro: President Trump Shown as ‘Deeply Embarrassing and Immoral’ by Mueller Report

While most Republicans are jumping for joy after it was announced that President Trump was cleared of Russian collusion, neoconservative radio host Ben Shapiro had a much different reaction.

Shapiro believed that the Mueller report showcased the “deeply embarrassing and immoral behavior” of the President who he once bragged in 2016 that he would never vote for under any circumstance.

Another exchange from that same Twitter thread indicates that Shapiro may actually actually believe that Trump is a criminal Russian agent.

Other tweets on Shapiro’s page throughout the day show that he is continuing to malign the President and push the fake news narrative that although there was no evidence of Russian collusion, Trump was somehow guilty of obstructing a phony investigation.

This should come as no surprise to anyone who follows Shapiro closely. The Iraq War cheerleader has stealthily been a Robert Mueller cheerleader since his attempted deep state coup d’état against Trump began.

Shapiro wrote an article at Daily Wire arguing that the Mueller probe should be extended back in 2017. During an appearance on HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher,” Shapiro gave a full-throated endorsement of the Mueller probe and even expressed sympathy to the idea of impeachment.

“If he throws it in the trash or quashes the Mueller investigation then, yes, impeachment should be on the table,” Shapiro said to the hate-filled leftist comedian Maher.

Shapiro only kinda believed Trump was innocent because he felt the President was too incompetent to effectively collude with Russia.

“I don’t think that Donald Trump could collude with his own left foot,” Shapiro said while pandering to the audience of Democrats.

Shapiro made it abundantly clear that he would have thrown Trump under the bus if Mueller could have successfully railroaded the man.

“When the evidence comes out I’m happy to go for the indictments, I’m fine with the indictments. Criminal activity is criminal activity, that’s fine. But I’m not going to attribute to Trump something that he didn’t do when he’s too ignorant to have done it,” Shapiro said.

While Shapiro may act like he is a Trump supporter on certain days to confuse his corporate-bought following, it is clear that this ‘Never Trumper’ who wanted Hillary Clinton as President in 2016 has not budged on his opposition to the POTUS.

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