Bernie Sanders: Not All Caravan Migrants Have Credible Asylum Claim

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) delivered a blow to the mainstream media’s preferred narrative on CNN Tuesday morning, when he said that not all migrants at the Southern U.S. border have a credible asylum claim.

“No, I don’t,” Sanders replied curtly when asked if all the migrants had a credible claim to asylum.

“I think you have to look at it case-by-case,” he continued. “But I think what is most important is this country finally is going to have to deal with comprehensive immigration reform.”

That’s right, Senator. And that immigration reform will be centered around building a wall to stop further attempted invasions like the one we’re seeing now.

The desired media narrative is that most of the migrants at the border are women and children coming to America because of violence in their homelands, and that President Donald J. Trump is evil for not rolling out the welcome wagon for 10,000 unvetted strangers. It looks something like this:

“The Trump administration has gone from locking babies in cages to firing tear gas at toddlers & mothers. The situation at the San Ysidro border crossing should horrify all Americans. These people have a right to seek asylum here. Denying them entry makes a mockery of our values,” said progressive columnist Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons.

Note that both tear gassing and family separation happened under Obama, too, but Graves-Fitzsimmons was silent back then.

In reality, the migrants are mostly fighting age males, many of whom have no desire in even seeking asylum, a small factoid which MSNBC’s Gadi Schwartz let slip on air during a live segment Monday.

“From what we’ve seen, the majority are actually men and some of these men have not articulated that need for asylum,” he said.

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