BESTIES: President Trump is Still in Regular Communication with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un

President Donald Trump has been bragging about how his great friendship with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is standing the test of time, according to new reports.

New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman has lamented that Trump and Kim remain in frequent contact, which she has noted in her new book, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.”

“You know, what he says and what’s actually happening are not always in concert, John, but he has been telling people that he has maintained some kind of a either correspondence or discussion with Kim Jong Un,” Haberman said during a recent appearance on CNN.

Haberman is claiming that Kim is the only world leader that Trump remains in contact with after being ousted from office in the fraud-riddled 2020 presidential election.

“Those letters, you know, from Kim Jong Un, that The Washington Post in terrific reporting, reported on the fact that he had taken with him to the White House, the original copies, he would wave them around, as I understand, he would wave them around in the White House and he would wave them around at Mar-a-Lago,” Haberman said. “He would have them in his boxes, and he would take them out and show them to people.”

Big League Politics has reported on Trump’s diplomatic breakthrough with North Korea, which was a signature accomplishment of his presidency:

Donald Trump became the first U.S President to enter North Korea on Sunday, taking a few steps inside the nation’s territory in a meeting with the country’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un.

The President had chosen to engage in an impromptu meeting with the North Korean leader while attending the nearby G20 Summit in Japan. President Trump has made unprecedented diplomacy with North Korea a highlight of his Presidency, reaching out with an olive branch to the historically hostile socialist country.

President Trump and Kim Jong-un spoke at the meeting, with the Supreme Leader hailing the President’s decision to reach out in a sign of peace. Speaking in English, the North Korean leader told the President that it was “good to see you… I never expected to meet you in this place.” The two were meeting at a so-called “peace village” located in the heavily surveilled demilitarized zone marking the border between North and South Korea…

President Trump went on to express his desire to attend a third diplomatic summit to resolve decades of hostility between North Korea and the United States. The President has offered generous proposals to the North Koreans in exchange to a commitment to denuclearization from the hereditary dictatorship, which is known for a level of isolation in the global community that is relatively unmatched.

Trump’s global diplomacy is unmatched in terms of recent world leaders. This is the man who needs to be back in the White House in 2024.

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