Biden Administration has Plans of Turning US Military Bases into Refugee Camps for 50,000 Afghans

Joe Biden is calling on his administration to use military bases in Indiana, New Mexico, New Jersey, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin to house 50,000 Afghans.

According to internal figures that CBS News reviewed, Fort McCoy in Wisconsin currently accommodates roughly 6,400 Afghans. John Binder of Breitbart News, observed that none of these migrants “have arrived with Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs).” By contrast, the bulk of Afghans at military bases are entering the country through “humanitarian parole” that the Biden administration opened for migrants who do not qualify for SIVs, P-2 visas, or even refugee status.

CBS News reported that the Defense Department has plans to settle approximately 13,000 Afghan nationals at Fort McCoy. On top of that, 4,300 Afghans are currently housed at Fort Bliss in Texas, 3,500 are at Fort Dix in New Jersey, 1,700 are at Fort Lee in Virginia, and about 600 are at a base in Quantico, Virginia.

Over 100 Afghans have recently arrived at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico and Biden is opening Camp Atterbury in Franklin, Indiana in the next few days.

The Afghan nationals will stay at the military facilities for about 14 to 21 days as their immigration applications are being processed. From there, they will be resettled across the U.S.

Wisconsin Congressman Tom Tiffany recently said that Afghans at the military bases can come and go as they please. Tiffany also revealed that many migrants have already left the bases before their immigration processing has been completed.

It’s clear the Biden administration cares more about resettling migrants at the American populace’s expenses, consequences be damned.  Now is not the time to countersignal open borders lunacy by talking about bringing in Afghan “allies.” Republican officials should be strongly opposing any effort to resettle migrants in the US. 

The good news is that there’s a populist insurgency within the GOP that’s calling for a more restrictive immigration platform. The next step is to get more of these people elected, while also building a policy network of policy officials to create a well-oiled machine of populist leaders that can embed themselves in the political process and media institutions. In doing so, they can shift the Overton Window towards a more nationalist-oriented policy direction.

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