Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki Endorsed Beto O’Rourke’s Extremist Gun Confiscation

Biden administration press secretary Jen Psaki endorsed Beto O’Rourke’s extremist gun confiscation during the 2020 Democratic primary, endorsing his proposal to forcibly confiscate so-called “assault weapons” from American patriots.
Jen Psaki lauded Beto’s gun confiscation scheme in a September 2019 tweet.
While Biden plays the “moderate” game, his position in the Democratic Party is compromised by the most virulent extremists opposing gun rights. Even some of the most staunch leftists in the Democratic Party, such as Bernie Sanders, oppose the notion of taking guns that are already lawfully owned.
Biden also hired Beto’s campaign manager after his campaign ended, going on to hire Jen O’Malley Dillon as his deputy chief of staff. Dillon forcefully defended Beto’s mass gun confiscation proposal, which would likely lead to mass civil strife across America if the federal government attempted to enact it.
Biden is yet to take action on gun control, with some elite liberals closely interested in the policy demand questioning why the President’s initial batch of executive orders failed to target American gun ownership. Gun control lobbyists expressed their confidence that Biden would act against gun rights in the coming weeks following a virtual meeting with the President earlier this week.
It may ultimately be possible that Biden moves in support of a Beto-style gun confiscation scheme, but overwhelming opposition and the naked unconstitutionality make it unlikely. It’s more probable that Biden will move to criminalize imports of so-called “assault weapons,” try to ban online gun and ammunition sales, and attempt to push shady “background checks” that ban Americans without criminal histories from buying guns on the basis of their worldview.
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