Biden Rebuffs Advisors’ Demands to Censor OANN, Newsmax, Fox News By Executive Order

According to a White House source, President Joe Biden has rebuffed suggestions that he sign an executive order that would ban certain conservative news networks from being broadcast to federal housing complexes.

The order would’ve named One America News Network, Newsmax, and Fox News by name. The former two networks are known for a broadly pro-Donald Trump editorial stance, with Fox split between establishment liberal and conservative content.

Authoritarian liberals advising President Biden are said to have suggested that Biden crack down on television and media networks which dissent from the administration’s policy views, citing the raucous US Capitol protest earlier this month as an imperative to clamp down on the opposition.

The executive order in question would most prominently affect military housing, where the cable channels in question are accessible through cable services contracted through the military services. The order, which never progressed beyond suggestions to President Biden, may even have gone so far as to restrict the television channels from private housing organizations contracted to provide lodging to military service members and their families.

Biden even went so far as to dismiss the censorship attempt as “nonsense,” according to a White House source familiar with the exchange. It’s likely that attempts to sign and enforce it would’ve been shut down by the judiciary, representing a clear attempt to discriminate against the very viewing of political expression within federal buildings.

As an authoritarian streak grows more prominent in the intolerant attitudes of American liberals, it appears President Biden himself is at least skeptical to the slightest degree of governmental censorship attempts, although Biden has never so much as even made reference to the censorship practices utilized by Big Tech companies against tens of millions of Americans.

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