Biden Settles Over 66 Thousand Afghan Refugees In America

Joe Biden has resettled more than 66,000 Afghans across the United States in a matter of six months as part of his massive resettlement operation — the largest in American history.

The Biden regime announced the newest Afghan settlement totals, noting that about 9,000 Afghans are living on U.S. military bases in Wisconsin, Virginia, and New Jersey that were turned into refugee camps months ago according to Breitbart.

In a news release, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) touted the involvement of — a non-governmental organization (NGO) created by Clinton, Bush, and Obama with the financial backing of multinational corporations like Facebook, Microsoft, and Walmart to resettle as many Afghans in American communities as possible.

Breitbart notes “Biden’s continuing unlimited flow of Afghans to the U.S. was first authorized by 49 House and Senate Republicans who joined Democrats in September 2021 to fund the resettlement to the sum of $6.4 billion. Then, in December 2021, 20 House and Senate Republicans helped Democrats pass an additional $7 billion in funds to ramp up the endless Afghan migration.”

Refugee contractors, namely the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that rely on taxpayer money to resettle refugees across the U.S. annually, secured billions as a result of the funding measures. The refugee resettlement racket costs Americans close to as much as 9 billion dollars.

The globalist Chamber of Commerce is also working to place Afghanis into American jobs. Thus the ruling class is once again putting America and its national interest last. Globalist Democrats and RINOs have teamed up to transform America.

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