Biden’s Affirmative Action SCOTUS Pick Ketanji Brown Jackson Admires Critical Race Theory Founder

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the Biden pick for Supreme Court who was nominated due to her skin color, is an admirer of the racist, anti-white psychopath who helped create the critical race theory (CRT) blood libel against the American nation.

CRT whistleblower Chris Rufo noted that Jackson is an enthusiastic proponent of Derrick Bell, the unabashed racist who once said he lives “to harass white folks.” Bell is a trailblazer of systemic racism against whites in academia and helped to put CRT on the map.

“Professor Derrick Bell [was] a civil rights lawyer and the first tenured African-American professor at Harvard Law School, wrote a book in the early 1990s about the persistence of racism in American life that he entitled Faces at the Bottom of the Well. My parents had this book on their coffee table for many years, and I remember staring at the image on the cover when I was growing up,” Jackson said while giving a Martin Luther King Jr. Day lecture at the University of Michigan in Jan. 2020.

“I found it difficult to reconcile the image of the person, who seemed to be smiling, with the depressing message that the title and subtitle conveyed. I thought about this book cover again for the first time in forty years when I started preparing for this speech, because, before the civil rights gains of the 1960s, black women were the quintessential faces at the bottom of the well of American society, given their existence at the intersection of race and gender – both of which were highly disfavored characteristics,” she added.

In addition to being a BLM race thug, Jackson is also a demonic abortion zealot, as Big League Politics has reported:

Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is pro-abortion and anti-religious liberty, is expected to be nominated by Joe Biden to the Supreme Court.

The White House has yet to announce Jackson’s nomination, but it appears to be following through on Biden’s racist and sexist promise to only name a black woman to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer.

As a confirmed justice, Jackson is expected to support leftist positions on key issues like abortion, gun rights, and affirmative action.

Before joining the Supreme Court, Jackson was an openly progressive attorney and Obama appointee to the United States Sentencing Commission, where she was committed to forwarding the leftist agenda. 

Currently, Judge Jackson is a judge on the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit where she repeatedly used her power to limit the actions of former President Donald Trump. 

In the 1990s, the Breyer apprentice penned an amicus brief in support of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), and other organizations that kill babies , supporting a Democrat-backed law that prohibited pro-life protesters from demonstrating outside abortion facilities.

Though she acknowledged that Trump had the constitutional authority to “issue executive orders pertaining to federal labor relations” in 2018, she ruled against him anyway.

In 2019, she used the Russian collusion hoax as an excuse to demand that former White House counsel Don McGahn appear before the House Judiciary Committee.

With her work, Jackson has gained the favor of several pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, anti-religious liberty activist groups including The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, comprised of groups such as Southern Poverty Law Center, and the American Civil Liberties Union, which is increasingly anti-free speech.

Unlike their treatment of Trump’s Supreme Court nominees, members of the corrupt press are already portraying Jackson as an “apolitical” and “historic” choice who deserves confirmation by the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Jackson’s nomination to the bench solely based on the color of her skin and nothing else shows how diversity is not a strength. Multiculturalism means the lowering of standards, and if Jackson survives the nomination process, she will be a living testament to that unfortunate and shameful reality on the Supreme Court.

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