BIG BROTHER: YouTube Bans Video of Top White House COVID-19 Advisor Dispelling Hysteria Narrative

Dr. Scott Atlas, who has emerged as President Donald Trump’s most credible advisor on COVID-19 policy, is being censored by YouTube.

Atlas, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, has spoken out consistently against the mass hysteria surrounding COVID-19. YouTube recently censored a Hoover video in which he was speaking about the lies peddled by the medical establishment during the pandemic.

“They put in a lockdown… They did not calculate at all the harms of the lockdown, the consequences of the lockdown. They did a stop COVID 19 at all costs. They used hypothetical projection models that were so egregiously wrong, far, far off. Yet they keep citing those models,” Atlas said while appearing on Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson. The video is still available on the Hoover Institute website.

“All over the world, Switzerland, Iceland, Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Asian countries, there is a minimal, if any, risk of children transmitting the disease, even to their parents. It’s not just that children are not at risk at all from this disease. They also do not even transmit the disease,” he continued.

“The science is really not science. It’s a fear-based and cherry-picking of certain studies. It’s very poor analysis. As I say many times, a lotta smart people are doing a lotta sloppy thinking,” Atlas added.

Journalist Alex Berenson, a prominent skeptic of COVID-19 mass hysteria, pointed out how ghastly this particular instance of censorship is:

Public policy expert and Forbes editor Avik Roy noted that YouTube’s official rationale behind the banning is that Atlas’ cogent analysis supposedly “contradicts the World Health Organization or local health authorities’ medical information about COVID-19.”

Big League Politics has reported on how the elites have used COVID-19 mass hysteria to turn the masses away from democracy toward technocracy:

The late plutocrat and engineer of globalism David Rockefeller once said at a United Nations dinner: “All we need is the right crisis and the people will accept the New World Order.”

With COVID-19, it seems that the right crisis has finally arrived to usher in the new era of globalism. The mass media is already priming the public for the new permanent changes to society that are all but inevitable at this point.

BBC News has laid out their grand vision of the Orwellian “new normal” of what the central planners and technocrats intend society to look like by 2022.

“It’s 2022 and you’ve just arrived at the travel destination of your dreams. As you get off the plane, a robot greets you with a red laser beam that remotely takes your temperature. You’re still half asleep after a long transoceanic flight, so your brain barely registers the robot’s complacent beep. You had just passed similar checks when boarding the plane hours ago so you have nothing to worry about and can just stroll to the next health checkpoint,” BBC reporter Lina Zeldovich wrote.

Zeldovich lays out the reality of endless health checks, breathalyzers with microchips in them, and microscopic ink tattoos to track vaccine compliance. All of this would be required in airports to travel, at first, and then be rolled out as mandatory to participate in normal functions of society.

She notes that the mark-of-the-beast vaccine tracking tattoo has already been tested on animals and corpses, thanks to the generous support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“The macro-needles don’t leave scars and are less invasive than the regular needles – it’s like putting on a Band-Aid,” said researcher Ana Jaklenec of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “It can even be done with a modified phone.”

… Author H.G. Wells once wrote: “Countless people…will hate the New World Order…and will die protesting against it.” As the system comes into shape, it is looking like Wells’ dire predictions of the future will come to pass.

COVID-19 is the right crisis that is needed to usher in the Orwellian Nightmare. Globalism will be the death of human freedom if drastic changes are not implemented quickly.

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