BIGOTRY: Ben Shapiro’s Editor Claims ‘Jew-Hatred is Inherent in the European DNA’

An influential voice at Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire blog made a bigoted anti-European remark on his social media account on Tuesday night.
Editor-at-large Josh Hammer said in a since-deleted Twitter post: “Jew-Hatred is Inherent in the European DNA.”
This came in response to the following post from George Mason University professor Eugene Kontorovich:
Pretty amazing European Union is going to require political country of origin labeling for only two regions of the world and both of them are Israeli?
— Eugene Kontorovich (@EVKontorovich) November 12, 2019
Kontorovich’s post was made in reference to the following decision by the European High Court on Tuesday:
The European Court of Justice on Tuesday morning ruled that products made in Israeli settlements must be labeled as such, and may not be marketed as products of Israel.
The dramatic decision will likely cause already-tense relations between Jerusalem and Brussels to further deteriorate, as Israeli politicians from across the political spectrum have long rejected the European Union’s policy of distinguishing between goods made in Israel proper and those manufactured in areas that the EU does not recognize as sovereign Israeli territory.
“Foodstuffs originating in the territories occupied by the State of Israel must bear the indication of their territory of origin, accompanied, where those foodstuffs come from an Israeli settlement within that territory, by the indication of that provenance,” the court — the EU’s highest legal instance — said in a press release…
In a statement, a spokesperson of the EU embassy in Ramat Gan said that “clear and non-misleading indication of origin is an essential part of the EU’s consumer policy.”
The court’s decision confirms the European Commission’s “interpretative notice” of 2015, which first introduced the need to label settlement goods as such, the spokesperson added. “The EU’s position regarding this issue did not change,” she said.
“The EU has a longstanding and well-known position that it will not recognize any changes to pre-1967 Israeli borders other than those agreed by the parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” she said. “The EU considers settlements in occupied territories illegal under international law.”
At the same time, the EU rejects “any form of boycott or sanctions against Israel” including the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, she emphasized.
While Hammer’s frustration with the globalist bureaucracy may be understandable, his bigoted Europhobic comments echo leftist critiques of the continent, which have been used to facilitate the mass migration of third-world refugees:
Hammer’s boss Shapiro has similarly hostile views toward “America First” conservatives. He strongly denounced them during an appearance at Stanford University last week featuring language similar to failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s infamous “Basket of Deplorables” speech from 2016:
Shapiro picked the most racist quotes he could find, refusing to attribute them to any one specific source, in order to denigrate “America First” conservatives during his speech, even quoting testimony from a Nazi killer in one instance to back up his point…
Shapiro also echoed the sentiments of David French, a fellow Never Trumper, in arguing that the LGBT movement’s “Drag Queen Story Hour” pedo-grooming events should be permitted in public libraries, and to ban them would somehow be a betrayal of conservative values…
While Shapiro was – as usual – talking out of both sides of his mouth, it is clear that he has capitulated on key issues in recent years. Conservative Inc. is throwing in the towel on border security and mass immigration, and Shapiro has received his orders to push the propaganda in favor of flooding America with the third world…
While Shapiro claims his opponents are like the radical Left, he regularly appropriates their rhetoric in order to attack opponents on the Right who are not owned by Conservative Inc. The opening of his Stanford speech last night sounds like it could have been recited by Hillary Clinton about Trump supporters.
Hammer is following in Shapiro’s footsteps in serving globalist cosmopolitan masters, rather than the interests of the common people.