Bill Maher Asks How ‘Wrong’ Medical Establishment Gets To Be When ‘Representing Science’

Liberal television host and comedian Bill Maher roasted various draconian, ineffective, and repeated policies pushed by the medical establishment during the Coronavirus Pandemic on a recent episode of his show.

Maher began the segment highlighting the tragic abuse foisted upon children since March of 2020:

“Making kids with a Covid survivability rate of 99.98% mask up like bandits — unfortunately the thing that’s getting stolen is their education, their sanity, and their social skills.”

The liberal television host then said that a recent Johns Hopkins University Study pointed out that compulsory lockdowns had very little effect on reducing mortality before turning his attention to other falsehoods pushed in the mainstream such as the Covid-19 inoculation’s ability to prevent transmission of the virus.

Honorably featured was a false statement made by White House occupant Joe Biden in July.

You’re not going to get covid if you have those vaccinations.

– Joe Biden on July 21st, 2022

“The former director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, believes Covid originated in a lab,” Maher continued. “And now our intelligence agencies agree, it might have. But for months on social media, it was banned to even discuss it!”

Maher also pointed out the lack of consistent ‘science’ ever exhibited by the medical establishment and government alike, pointing out that the city of Los Angeles, California maintains order to this day mandating Americans muzzle themselves with cloth masks while strolling outside in their own neighborhood. He then went on to describe the whole idea of forcing masks on others as “theater,” highlighting numerous instances of politicians, celebrities, and athletes alike donning their face diapers for the camera only to later unmask themselves when convenient.

“How much ‘wrong’ do you get to be while still holding the default setting for people who represent TheScience?” Asked the late-night show host before the conclusion of the segment.

The television show host has notably called out radical insanity by the leftist establishment in the past, previously making headlines on BLP after noting on his show that traveling through many states helped him come to the conclusion that “red states are a joy and the blue states are a pain in the ass.”

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