Black Lives Matter Leader in Memphis Receives 6-Year Prison Sentence for Voter Fraud Conviction

Far-left activist Pamela Moses, a prominent Black Lives Matter (BLM) organizer in Memphis, Tenn., has received six years in prison for voter fraud.
Moses, 44, was found guilty of registering to vote illegally because of previous felony charges which occurred in 2015. Judge Michael Ward accused Moses of lying to a probation officer in order to illegally obtain voting privileges.
“You tricked the probation department into giving you documents saying you were off probation,” Ward told Moses in court.
Moses had pleaded guilty of felony evidence tampering and forgery years ago. She was spared a jail sentence and received seven-years probation as a result of her guilty plea. The evidence tampering charge made her ineligible to vote. Moses claimed ignorance in order to justify her illegal voting, but the court was not buying it.
“I did not falsify anything. All I did was try to get my rights to vote back the way the people at the election commission told me and the way the clerk did,” Moses stated at the hearing. She plans to appeal her conviction and sentencing.
Big League Politics has reported on other criminal accusations that have been levied at human garbage who have led BLM terror uprisings against America:
“Tay Anderson, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist accused of molesting 62 different children, is returning to his role on the Denver School Board.
The Denver Public Schools Board of Education has already spent more than $50,000 investigating the allegations. The Denver Classroom Teachers Association reportedly endorsed Anderson for the school board position after being alerted to at least one of the allegations.
Rob Gould, the president of the DCTA, is standing by his organization’s endorsement of Anderson despite the allegations of Anderson being a vicious serial predator.
“Knowing that smear campaigns are fairly common during election season, the Fund members asked Mr. Anderson about the allegations and were satisfied with his responses that they were unfounded,” Gould said in a statement. “Beyond that, the Fund does not have the capacity to conduct background investigations for each and every candidate.”
Anderson is digging in his heels and refusing to take responsibility for any of the allegations. He hopes to weather the storm in an increasingly diverse and multicultural country that allows certain racial groups to play the victim and get away with anything.
“I have not sexually assaulted anyone. And I am not aware of a situation that can be construed as sexual assault. And I want to ensure that I and others have a fair, transparent and truly restorative process,” he said…
There is no accountability for certain privileged racial groups in the United States of Somalia. BLM will continue to empower rapists and other cretins as the destructive movement of low IQ jackals continues to devour what’s left of civilization.“
Moses being put behind bars is a good start. Other terror leaders of the BLM movement need to join her behind bars for leading hundreds of insurrections across the country against the Bill of Rights and Constitution.