Bloomberg’s Gun Control Group Spending Big to Turn Texas, Arizona Blue

Michael Bloomberg-funded gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety is said to be focusing closely on Arizona and Texas for its political influence operations, hoping to elect Democrats and anti-gun progressives to office in addition to swinging the southwestern and traditionally conservative states to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

The Bloomberg front group is hoping to repeat the successes it had in Virginia in the southwestern states. Everytown was instrumental in winning both the Virginia House of Delegates and the state senate in the commonwealth’s 2019 elections, enabling metropolitan progressives to push a wide-ranging gun control and confiscation agenda in a traditionally southern conservative state. Controversial Governor Ralph Northam’s proposal to forbid the sales of new “assault rifles” such as the AR-15 was stopped at the last minute after mass protests by freedom-loving patriots, but a bevvy of new gun control restrictions were enacted in the state.

Texas and Arizona, in particular the latter, have among the most pro-freedom gun laws in the country aside from some rural mountain west states with smaller populations.

Everytown gun control operative Charlie Kelly has described Arizona as “one of the most important battlegrounds for gun safety in the country.” The Bloomberg front group is dropping $5 million in Arizona and $8 million in Texas, intending to use the big money in order to swing at least one chamber of each state’s legislature to the Democratic Party.

A subsidiary gun control called Gun Sense Majority: Arizona is being prepared in order to distance the big money presence from Bloomberg, who is a coastal elitist with an unscrupulous reputation in many conservative-leaning states.


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