Bodycam Footage Shows Wife-Beating Arrest of FBI Agent Who Snared Michigan “Militia” Into Kidnapping Plot

Bodycam footage reveals the arrest of disgraced FBI agent Richard Trask, a far-left federal agent who served as the point man in a plot to entrap several Michigan “militia” members into a conspiracy Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

WOOD TV8 in Michigan obtained and published excepts of the bodycam footage, in which officers responding to a 911 call at Trask’s home reveal that the FBI agent’s wife was injured with marks of strangulation and battery.

The footage shows deputies responding to a 911 call at Trask’s home, after his wife reported a vicious beating at the hands of her FBI agent husband. Police feared Trask would represent an even greater danger after leaving his family home, speculating as to whether he was armed and mentioning his counterterrorism training.

Trask was let off with a de facto slap on the wrist in criminal proceedings for the beating, serving only 2 days in a local jail for shoving his wife’s face into a nightstand. Trask had been enraged after his wife didn’t enjoy a swingers party in July 2021, viciously attacking her for her reaction.

In the footage, Trask expresses naive surprise at his arrest two days after the beating, with Kalamazoo sheriff’s deputies apprehending him in the parking lot of a strip mall.

Trask had expressed his hate for President Donald Trump in obscenity-laden Facebook posts, with attorneys for the accused Michigan “Wolverine Watchmen” militia accusing Trask of political bias and prejudice against their client.

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