Border Patrol Agent Submits Scathing Resignation, Remarking Agency Has Become “Handmaids” for Illegal Immigrants

A Customs and Border Patrol agent is slamming the left-wing politicization of the agency in a resignation letter to his supervisor, accusing Biden’s federal government of transforming CBP into the “handmaids” of illegal immigrants.

The Washington Examiner’s Anna Giaritelli published the colorful resignation letter on Friday. In the email, sent from CBP Agent Joseph Mustafa to his supervisor Raul Ortiz, the former identifies what he sees as the full nullification of the Border Patrol’s border security mission, replaced instead with concierge services for illegal immigrants at the behest of the Biden administration.

Mustafa, a Navy corpsman veteran, explained that he could no longer morally comply with a gutted system of immigration enforcement that entailed merely clocking in and out for a paycheck. Mustafa cited constitutional decay with the United States Supreme Court, as well.

The undocumented have gone from a fear of infringing the law to brazenly inquiring about what’s taking so long with their right to unconditional assimilation. Have we become “Handmaids” to their cause? Incomprehensible… Particularly as the concept of “law” becomes an increasingly nebulous moving target.

Documents have indicated that the Border Patrol is increasingly tasked with caring and processing the regularization of border crossers, as opposed to actually patrolling the nation’s borders, making arrests, and deterring illegal immigration.

The Biden administration broke the all-time record for illegal immigration in fiscal year 2021, with as many as two million illegals- mostly from Central America- spurred to infiltrate the southern border in pursuit of American residency, welfare services, public education, wages, and citizenship.

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