BREAKING: DOJ Set To Investigate Anti-Conservative Bias Among Social Media Giants


In perhaps one of the most significant moves of President Donald J. Trump’s administration, the Department of Justice looks set to investigate bias against conservatives from Silicon Valley tech companies.

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions is exploring a potential investigation of social media companies and will be briefed on Sept. 25 by Republican state attorneys general who are already examining the firms’ practices, according to two people familiar with the matter,” said a Tuesday report.

The attorneys general to attend the meeting will be from Alabama, Nebraska, Tennessee, Louisiana and Texas.

The meeting will be held to determine whether there is a legitimate case against companies like Google, Apple, Facebook and Twitter, all of whom have been accused of unfairly targeting and deplatforming conservatives, essentially removing them from public discourse.

“Sessions hasn’t made up his mind about whether to proceed, the people said,” according to the report. “At least one of the attorneys general participating in the meeting has indicated he seeks to break up the companies.”

Last week, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey denied intentionally censoring conservatives on his platform during a congressional hearing. His company subsequently banned conservative radio host Alex Jones less than 24 hours after the hearing for “abuse” that allegedly violated Twitter’s terms of service.

During the hearing, Big League Politics contributor Laura Loomer stood up in defiance of Congress and Dorsey, making a viral plea to President Donald J. Trump to stop the censorship of conservatives online before it was too late. The decision to investigate comes less than one week after the confrontation.

“The companies have said they don’t censor any perspectives,” according to the report. “Rather, they say, much of the alleged censorship results from the sites’ policies against threats, hate, harassment or other forms of abusive speech.”

Less than an hour ago, Big League Politics reported that a leftist Twitter user threatened mass murder of conservatives at a gathering in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday evening. That user’s account is still active on the website.

President Donald J. Trump has weighed in on the issue using.

“Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others…….” he said on August 18.

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