BREAKING: Reddit Shuts Down Second-Largest Pro-Trump Subreddit
Reddit has banned the second-largest pro-President Trump subreddit, The Great Awakening, as tech platforms increasingly ban Trump-supporting and conservative forums.
Top Reddit moderators made Big League Politics aware of the fact that “The Great Awakening” was banned Tuesday night at 11:45 PM. The subreddit has been down all day.
The Great Awakening subreddit served as an informal platform for followers of the Q Anon movement, as well as for other independent researchers.
Top Reddit moderators have provided Big League Politics with information showing that left-wing operatives have been involved in posing as Trump supporters to post offensive anonymous content on Reddit in order to get pro-Trump subreddits flagged. BLP will be rolling out that information today as this censorship purge goes into high gear.
More than 30 covert left-wing actors have been identified coordinating with the plotters, including activists linked to Media Matters and the ACLU.
“His comments will instantly shoot up to +15 while whoever he replies to will be downvoted,” said a source, referring to one of the suspected plot leaders.
Meanwhile on Reddit, left-wingers have a formal name for their effort to ban President Donald Trump-supporting subreddits: BanOut 2018. The liberals have announced that they are now in “Phase 3” of the banning project.
Here is one choice quote from the Reddit thread: “Your comment was removed because it isn’t the phrase ‘I fully support banout 2018’ Feel free to make a new comment showing your support of this great cause.”
BanOut 2018 is an even bigger project than some leftists want to admit.
“Every mod on that sub is a power mod who controls many defaults,” a source told Big League Politics, referring to BanOut 2018.
Here is the page for BanOut 2018: