BREAKING: Trump Administration Slashes $60 Million Dollars from Planned Parenthood

Promises made, promises kept.

The Trump administration just announced a large amount of money will be taken away from the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, as promised.

The Department of Health and Human Services announced its final ruling to cut Title X funding from any organization that provides or refers patients for abortions.

Title X is the federal program that provides birth control and other “reproductive services.” This proposal significantly changes that.

So long to $60,000,000 of American tax dollars annually sent to Planned Parenthood.

“Under the previous rules, Title X services and abortions could “co-locate” in the same center, as long as the abortions were privately funded. Now, the money will be redirected to Women’s Qualified Health Centers that are not involved in abortions, which dramatically outnumber Planned Parenthood locations across the United States,” Live Action reports.

The official press release from (HHS) states:

“The final rule ensures compliance with statutory program integrity provisions governing the program and, in particular, the statutory prohibition on funding programs where abortion is a method of family planning. The final rule amends the Title X regulation, which had not been substantially updated in nearly two decades, and makes notable improvements designed to increase the number of patients served and improve the quality of their care.”

The pro-life community thanks President Trump and his administration for keeping their promise to defund Planned Parenthood:

“This is the kind of policy change that Millennials, the nation’s largest voting bloc, support. Healthcare dollars should fund real, full-service medical care, not abortion vendors.” – Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America

“We thank President Trump for taking decisive action to disentangle taxpayers from the big abortion industry led by Planned Parenthood.” – Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser

This is a major win for the Trump administration, but more importantly innocent babies.

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