British Government Issues Warnings to Business About Going Woke

Coffee chain Costa and footwear brand Dr. Martens have been subjected to online pressure due to their indulgence in woke virtue activism.
The likes of coffee chain Costa and shoemaker Dr. Martens Plc have found themselves the targets of online backlash due to their perceived embrace of woke capitalism. Further, British officials have cautioned companies to stay away from what they view as political debates.
“I’m uncomfortable, instinctively, to see big businesses appropriating the views of their customers to make a political point,” Chief Secretary to the Treasury John Glen said in remarks reported by the Press Association. “If they want to get into politics, then stand for election.”
Glen’s comments came after considerable uproar sparked by the “debanking” of Farage, who was debanked by NatWest’s private bank Coutts after an internal discussion about whether his right-wing political beliefs were out of line with the company’s increasingly woke values. The bank’s chief executive officer, Alison Rose,ended up resigning after government pressure was placed on her after she admitted to leaking details about the discussion concerning Farage’s accounts.
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party has increasingly adopted “anti-woke” rhetoric as they attempt to rile up the party’s base and differentiate themselves from the opposition ahead of the general election slated for 2024.
UK companies have already been facing pushback from disenchanted right-wing consumers. Dr. Martens recently caught flak for a pink figure illustrated on a pair of the company’s boots. The figure had weird-looking hair buns and stitches across its chest while it was waving its large, hairy arms behind a rainbow flag. This design was created by artist Jess Vosseteig, who received significant backlash from British opponents of gender reassignment surgery.
Coca-Cola Co.’s Costa Coffee has provoked calls for a boycott over a mural showcasing a transgender person with mastectomy scars. The company claims that this mural “showcases and celebrates inclusivity.”
Former British marathon runner Mara Yamauchi criticized both companies in a post on X, and announced she would boycott them. She asserted that it is “grotesque” that the companies used imagery showing the “unnecessary butchering of girls’ and young women’s healthy breasts in the name of regressive, misogynistic & homophobic ideology to sell their products.”
There are limits to the cultural Left’s radicalism. Most people across the West are sensible and understand what’s normal and what’s totally insane. What the wokes are currently pushing is peak insanity. It’s good to see that people are pushing back against this nonsense.
Now, the forces of the nationalist Right must capitalize on this discontent and start enacting policies that crack down on non-governmental organizations that promote wokism, bring corporations pushing wokism to heel, and purge the education system of people propagating this culturally leftist filth.
The only language that the Left speaks is one of power. So it will require a vigorous nationalist government response to tame these miscreants once and for all.