British Neocon Douglas Murray Fails to Cancel Pedro Gonzalez

On her Substack newsletter, Common Sense, political writer and staunch liberal Zionist Bari Weiss featured a piece by British neoconservative Douglas Murray where he accused Chronicles Associate Editor and Fox News contributor Pedro Gonzalez of “playing with antisemitism.”

In the piece titled, “When the Right Plays With Jew-Hate”, Murray alluded to a series of posts Gonzalez made on Twitter towards the end of 2021 to justify his bold assertion. 

Initially, Gonzalez and economist David Rothschild got into a back-and-forth on Twitter about Gonzalez’ support for legislation that shields red states from blue state transplants.

After Gonzalez posted a tweet where he said, “Legislation designed to protect red states from blue state transplants would literally be passed by a representative body. If they don’t like it, they can go somewhere else, like how you should go back to whatever country you came from “, Rothschild responded, “Republican intellectuals ‘despise’ the Constitution.”

Gonzalez replied by declaring “Libs openly flout laws they don’t like—see sanctuary cities and DACA—but will still preach to you about the constitution. These people are as dumb as they are repulsive.”

Gonzalez then added a photo of Rothschild and remarked “That Rothschild physiognomy is pure nightmare fuel.”

Murray pointed to another case where Gonzalez got into an E-scuffle with Ari Cohn, a First Amendment and defamation lawyer at Tech Freedom. Cohn responded to Gonzalez’s transplant tweet, stating “How surprising, a Claremont Institute fellow who has a basic lack of constitutional literacy.”

Gonzalez instantly replied by posting a photo of Cohn with a comment that stated, “Oh look another cursed goblin physiognomy.”

In light of these exchanges, Murray declared that Gonzalez is “ sincerely enjoying playing with antisemitism.”

The British political commentator went as far as to say that Gonzalez’s “odious game-playing” is “a kind of proto-violence.”

Murray added, “It is playing at violence. It is threatening to go there.”

The neocon pundit stressed that the American Right “should be broad, and it should be tolerant.”

He added, “It should accept ideological differences as much as any other movement that seeks to gain political influence.”

However, Murray said, “there are places where it cannot allow people to go while remaining within the fold.”  

Murray even said that “defenestration” should be a meme among the Right.

He concluded that “Rarely has there been an occasion when a dose of it [defenestration] has been more in order.”

In effect, Murray called for Gonzalez’s cancellation simply for poking fun of people’s physical appearances. But the British political pundit took it to another level by launching anti-Semitic accusations against the Chronicles Associate editor.

Sure, Gonzalez has taken to task individuals like Paul Singer, a  Jewish American oligarch known for being a mass migration, LGBT, and Zionist booster. However, none of Gonzalez’s attacks are racial in nature. He attacks people like Singer for their policies, not their racial identity.

Gonzalez works under Chronicles’ Editor-in-Chief Paul Gottfried, who is a Hungarian Jew, so accusations of anti-Semitism are hollow at best.

In a tweet published on January 6, 2022 Gonzalez declared that “Douglass Murray tried to destroy my life over tweets that he didn’t like with a badly argued and badly written hit piece. So bad, his own fans thought it was embarrassing. In the end, he nuked his own credibility and I enjoyed an outpouring of support. A wonderful start to 2022.”

So far, Gonzalez has not faced any professional repercussions.

Murray is an interesting writer. His book The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam is a brillant expose on how Europe has been demographically transformed by mass migration. However, Murray does not offer much in terms of viable solutions to tackling this situation. A rational policy would be to push for an immigration moratorium, something very few neocons push. 

Instead, Murray prefers to police right-wing discourse and act as a hall monitor. This is commonplace among the acceptable Right, who is more concerned with optics and controlling the narrative. They prefer to maintain the status quo, offer no solutions, and muzzle shut anyone who violates the strictures of acceptable discourse. 

Murray would be better off focusing his attention on the real threat — The Left— and not wasting his time on policing the Right. 

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