Budweiser Tries To Appease Angry Customers With Camo Bottle Campaign After Two Month Twitter Hiatus, Then Gets BLASTED For Tarnished Reputation: ‘There’s No Recovery’

Corporations are struggling this pride month; flip-flopping between how they want to promote their brand to cater to LGBTQ activists. While at the same time avoiding alienating their custom base.

In short: they are failing at it. Toeing the line simply doesn’t work like it did in past years, because corporations are forced to choose sides.

Budweiser is a perfect case study for this. 

The brand – who has been in ongoing hot water after partnering with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney – just launched camo cans to appeal to its customers. 

Talk about pandering – not to mention a complete 180. The tweet above is also the first time the brand has posted on Twitter since April 14. 

Bud Light also went through a similar hiatus. Posting for the first time in two months on June 22.

From Outkick:

This latest Budweiser can — while not the first time they’ve teamed up with Fold of Honor — is obviously yet another move from Anheuser-Busch as they try to dig out of this Bud Light mess.

And by the way — the cans are cool. The concept is awesome. There’s nothing wrong with any of it, but it’s obviously all heightened right now with the ongoing Bud Light drama.

As you can see in the comments below, customers have not forgotten. Showcasing in their responses how this back-and-forth branding effort is only making matters worse.

Pride month – or “Summer of Pride,” as Admiral “Rachel” Levine puts it – is turning into the ultimate litmus test for corporations who hedged their bets on getting involved in the culture wars by siding with the left.

It’s tiresome and pathetic. And all it’s doing is prolonging the controversy. Everybody seems to be losing money thanks to their woke woes, because conservatives are finally saying enough is enough by taking their money and spending it elsewhere.

Disney reportedly lost a near $900 million thanks to its box office flops. Meanwhile Target continues to lose market value following their botched pride collection campaigns that targeted children.

As many brand experts have stated, this boycott against corporations – particularly Bud Light – has gone on longer than many could have imagined. 

It doesn’t look like things will improve for them anytime soon.

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