Buffalo Police Officers are Back on Payroll After Encounter with Far-Left Activist Who Took a Fall

Buffalo, N.Y. officers Aaron Torgalski and Robert McCabe, who were suspended last month following an encounter with a left-wing agitator, are back on payroll despite being hit with felony assault charges.

Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn Jr. filed the charges to appease the mob, but law enforcement has stood with Torgalski and McCabe. Hundreds of cops have lent their support to the duo, and a petition in favor of their reinstatement has been signed 2,700 times. Capt. Jeff Rinaldo confirmed on Monday that the men are back on the city’s payroll.

57 Buffalo police officers resigned from the city’s Emergency Response Team after Torgalski and McCabe were suspended for attempting to keep the peace against the mob.

“Fifty-seven resigned in disgust because of the treatment of two of their members, who were simply executing orders,” said John Evans, president of the Buffalo Police Benevolent Association.

The fake news media rallied around 75-year-old Martin Gugino after he did his fall following a police encounter at a Black Lives Matter (BLM) rally last month. However, President Donald Trump never bought the hype, suggesting in a controversial tweet that Gugino staged the incident to demonize law enforcement.


Former FBI agent Gary DiLaura echoed the President’s sentiments, saying that Torgalski and McCabe showed impressive restraint while dealing with Gugino as he accosted them.

“I can’t believe that they didn’t deck him. If that would have been a 40-year-old guy going up there, I guarantee you they’d have been all over him,” DiLaura said.

“He absolutely got away lightly. He got a light push and in my humble opinion, he took a dive and the dive backfired because he hit his head. Maybe it’ll knock a little bit of sense into him,” continued the ex-fed, who has trained Buffalo police on proper defensive tactics when dealing with threats.

“These cops were acting how they have been trained to act. There’s no way they are going to be convicted of assault,” DiLaura added.

Gugino also has a long history of arrests due to his left-wing activism. He has a long record of being involved with illicit and unlawful demonstrations but was ultimately shielded for the consequences of his behavior because of lax criminal justice policies.

Buffalo reinstating pay for Torgalski and McCabe is a good sign for the rule of law, but they must be exonerated completely for justice to truly be served against the left-wing mob.

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