California Bill Would Set The Stage For Granting Free Tuition to Black Students

A California bill that would lay the groundwork for granting free college tuition to black students and other “oppressed” groups has been making considerable progress in the California State Assembly.

Back in September, ACA-7 was passed in the State Assembly and is currently in the State State. Should this bill be approved by the Senate, it would end up on the ballot in November as a voter initiative. 

This legislation would effectively grant the governor the power to go around the state’s well-established prohibition on affirmative action that voters approved in 1996 with Proposition 209 and voted in favor of keeping during a ballot initiative in 2020. 

The measure would grant the governor the power to use the state’s treasury to finance  research-based or culturally specific programs if they boost the “life expectancy of, improving educational outcomes for, or lifting out of poverty specific groups based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or marginalized genders, sexes, or sexual orientations.”

Corey Jackson, a member of the California Assembly, who is the bill’s sponsor, declared in a news release that his proposal would take on “systemic disparities” and “create positive change and improve outcomes for those disproportionately affected by systemic racism and discrimination.”

However, Gail Heriot, a University of San Diego law professor, argued that this proposal would lay the groundwork for free tuition for black students and other “oppressed” groups. Heriot is leading the opposition campaign against the ACA-7 initiative.

A petition that was drafted by the No on ACA-7 organization contends that if this initiative becomes law, “present and future governors will be able to make as many exceptions as they like, so long as they can find ‘research’ that says it’s okay to discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin, etc.”

On top of that, the Orange County Register editorial board has stood against this bill.

“We urge the Senate to turn down ACA 7,” the board declared in its January 9 editorial. “The Legislature has more important things to do, such as dealing with a $68 billion budget deficit, than foisting on voters an initiative that would be defeated, or thrown out in court.”

California is America’s most culturally leftist state and it shows with respect to the type of policies politicians try to pass in this jurisdiction. There’s an irrational degree of black idolatry among Democrats these days.

However, there’s a political logic to this. The Democrats are the anti-White party and they do everything possible to court non-white votes while also voting for policies that dispossess white Americans.

For that reason, rational Americans who desire the preservation of the Historic American Nation should do everything possible to oppose this agenda.


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