California Conveniently Removes Kamala’s Arrest Records as Attorney General

Kamala Harris’ arrest records have vanished out of thin air.

According to a report from The Daily Caller, California’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website took down several incarceration reports, coincidentally, as a part of a site redesign.

This move comes after 2020 presidential rival Tulsi Gabbard called Harris out for her mass incarceration efforts as Attorney General.

According to the report:

Twice a year, the CDCR releases information about the number of new individuals incarcerated in the California prison system as part of its “Offender Data Points” series. These reports provide important information on demographics, sentence length, offense type, and other figures relevant to criminal justice and incarceration.

Until recently, these reports were publicly available at the CDCR’s website. A search using’s Wayback Machine reveals that as of April 25, 2019—the most recent indexed date—ODP reports were available dating back to the spring of 2009. As of August 2019, the same web page now serves only a single ODP report, the one for Spring 2019. The pre-2019 reports have been removed.

Harris served as Attorney General from 2011 to 2017. With mass incarceration now a mainstream political topic, Harris has faced pressure for her track record as AG.

Gabbard laid into Harris, demanding she apologize to the “people who suffered under [her] reign as prosecutor” during the Democratic debates on July 31, 2019.

“I want to bring the conversation back to the criminal justice system that is disproportionately, negatively affecting black and brown people today,” Gabbard said during the debates.

The Hawaii congresswoman added, “Senator Harris says she’s proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she’ll be a prosecutor president, but I’m deeply concerned about this record of Senator Harris’.”

According to a report from The Free Beacon, CDCR Assistant Secretary for Communications Jeffrey Callison claimed that this change in website design had nothing to do with Harris’ current campaign. Instead, he stated that this move was a result of California law which mandates certain changes to web accessibility standards.

Callison told Free Beacon that “Making our website fully compliant was a significant and ongoing undertaking. It required a redesign of the look and feel of the website, and a need to evaluate all of the thousands of documents and other files that were linked to our website.”

The Assistant Secretary for Communications said that older reports are “still available upon request” simply by sending an email to [email protected]. He added that the other removals are temporary.

However, Fox News host Tucker Carlson was not necessarily buying this explanation. He accused officials of “making that information very hard to find.”

Tucker sounded off on this strange development:

Until recently, anybody could read these reports online. “That’s called transparency because it’s our government, right? Supposedly? Not anymore. The corrections department just redesigned the website and now, all reports prior to this year, immediately including those covering Kamala Harris’ six years as Attorney general have been removed. They are no longer publicly accessible. Theoretically, you can still get those reports if you email the right person and they feel like responding. But the information is far harder to get. And of course, that’s the entire point. In California, they know that an ignorant public is much easier to control.

From top to bottom, Harris has a lot to explain about. Above all, her desire to use executive action to implement gun control.  All 2020 presidential candidates should be scrutinized accordingly, with Harris being at the top of this list.

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