California Democrats Advocate for Legislation Mandating Insurers to Snitch Out Homeowners Who Own Firearms

California Assembly Member Mike Gipson introduced a bill on February 16, 2024 that would mandate insurance companies to provide elected officials a yearly report exposing homeowners with firearms in their homes. 

The bill in question, AB 3067, stated the following:

This bill would require an insurer, by January 1, 2026, to include questions on an application for homeowners’ or renters’ insurance seeking specified information regarding the presence and storage of any firearms kept in the household, accessory structures, or vehicles kept on the property subject to any applicable insurance policy.

It continues:

The bill would require an insurer to annually report this information to the Department of Insurance and the Legislature beginning on January 1, 2027, and would prohibit the inclusion of confidential identifying information in the report.

The bill then offers step-by-step instructions that insurers would be mandated to follow in order to acquire the information being pursued by Assembly Member Gipson and its main co-author, State Senator Catherine Blakespear:

In addition to existing regulations, an application for homeowners’ or renters’ insurance shall include questions regarding all of the following:

(1) Whether there are firearms kept in the household, including in any accessory structures, and if so, how many.

(2) Whether the firearm, if any, is stored in a locked container in the home, including any accessory structures, while not in use.

(3) The number of firearms kept in a vehicle located on the property subject to the applicable insurance policy, and if any, whether they are stored securely in a locked container while not in use.

AB 3067 is now pending referral to a committee for continuance.

The US is a hall monitor state where both private and public actors work to air snitch on individuals or organizations that don’t abide by regime standards. What California is facilitating here is another program to harass gun owners and make the state damn near inhospitable for them. 

At some point, gun owners will need to stand up to this tyrannical behavior or at least consider exit plans to more pro-gun states. Taking a politics as usual approach here is just asking for our gun rights to be eviscerated. Now is the time to take action against both private and state actors who assault our right to bear arms. 

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