Campus insanity: Christian Center vandalized with anti-Trump graffiti, incident ‘swept under the rug’

Big League Politics has obtained exclusive photographs of anti-Trump graffiti and vandalism of a Christian Center on the campus of a liberal arts college in Jackson, Mississippi.
“They just swept it under the rug,” said the student at Millsaps College who provided the photos.
The student has asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution from faculty, staff, and other students at the school.
“The photos were taken in April, right at the end of the semester, inside of a building called the Christian Center,” the student said.
According to the student, the vandals did not deface the church inside the Christian Center, but that basically every other room was graffitied.
Here are the photos:

One photo shows the words “Phil Bryant can s*ck a f*ck” painted on the wall. Dewey P. “Phil” Bryant is the 64th Governor of Mississippi.
Both professors and students alike participated in the vandalism. In the bottom left-hand corner of the one of the photos is Professor James E. Bowley, chairman of the Religious Studies Department at Millsaps.

(James E. Bowley, Chairman of the Religious Studies Department, courtesy of Millsaps College)
The professor’s anti-Trumpism extends beyond the campus community, as evidenced by samplings from his Facebook page.

(Screenshot from James E. Bowley’s Facebook page)
According to Millsaps’ website, the school is dedicated to academic excellence, open inquiry and free expression, the exploration of faith to inform vocation, and the innovative shaping of the social, economic, and cultural progress of our region.
Big League Politics reached out the school for comment and was directed to Millsaps’ Director of Communications and Marketing, John Sewell.
“This is the first time I’m hearing about this,” said Sewell.
“That building is under construction, and I haven’t been over there in a while,” he said.
Sewell then asked Big League Politics to provide him the photographs that we had obtained.
About an hour after the photos were sent, he replied with the following statement:
“Defamation of character or destruction of property is unacceptable at Millsaps College. The administration found this incident to be offensive, hurtful, and contrary to our values of encouraging civil and respectful discourse between disparate points of view, and subsequently took swift action to address it. The individuals involved underwent a disciplinary process, and the rooms were repainted as soon as possible.”
Another employee in Residence Life told Big League Politics that she had not heard about the event either.
“The administration just re-painted the building, nothing else ever came of it,” the student said.
The student told Big League Politics that the students still attend the school, and the four photographed professors still teach there. The building was already under construction when they broke in and vandalized the rooms, the student said.
“No one, including the four faculty members in the pictures, got in trouble, as far as I know,” the student said.
According to the student, anti-republican bias on campus had been addressed with faculty members many times by the few Republican students on campus.
When the students followed up with one dean about the vandalism incident, the dean refused to give them an update, saying that it would be in violation of the privacy of the perpetrators.
“Two months after the fact, the administration was saying that the students will be held responsible, but no one confirmed that they had been.”