CANCELLED: Former New Yorker Writer Who Doxxed ICE Agent Won’t Teach Journalism Course at NYU

A former “fact checker” for The New Yorker who was set to teach a course at New York University as an adjunct professor will not be granted that opportunity after only two students signed up for her class.
Talia Levin, who resigned in disgrace from The New Yorker after falsely accusing a disabled U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer of having a Nazi tattoo, was set to teach a class called “Reporting on the Far Right,” according to The Wrap.
“Canceling the class had nothing to do with Talia’s writings, tweets, or anything else. We cancelled it because too few students enrolled,” Adam Penenberg, director of undergraduate studies at NYU’s journalism school reportedly said.
Lavin is an ardent left-winger. She lashed out at Jon Levine, author of The Wrap’s story, on Twitter.
“It’s true: only 2 students signed up for my class. Here’s some other hot news for Jon and his editors: Once I threw a VERY elaborate theme party in college and no one came. In high school, a bunch of boys stole my journal & read my sex fantasies about my English teacher aloud,” she said.
It's true: only 2 students signed up for my class.
Here's some other hot news for Jon and his editors:
Once I threw a VERY elaborate theme party in college and no one came.
In high school, a bunch of boys stole my journal & read my sex fantasies about my English teacher aloud. 1/— Talia Lavin (@chick_in_kiev) May 30, 2019
After being canned from The New Yorker, Lavin began writing for The Washington Post.
Big League Politics reported:
Talia Lavin, the disgraced former fact checker for the New Yorker who doxed an ICE agent falsely for being a Nazi, has had her career rehabilitated by the fake news industry. The Washington Postscooped her up despite (or maybe due to) being a known liar to malign conservatives for Jeff Bezos’ lobbying rag.
Lavin was hard at work following the burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral, deriding any chatter of what caused the Paris blaze as far-right conspiracy theories. She singled out ‘Never Trumper‘ Ben Shapiro with a diatribe of nonsensical gibberish.
“Ben Shapiro called Notre Dame a ‘monument to Western civilization’ and ‘Judeo-Christian heritage.’ Given the already-raging rumors about potential Muslim involvement, these tweets evoked the specter of a war between Islam and the West that is already part of numerous far-right narratives; it was also a central thread in the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant, the alleged Christchurch, New Zealand, shooter,” Lavin wrote.
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