CAPITALISM’S VILLAINS: Meet the Globalist Vultures Feasting on the Remains of America

Recently, Tucker Carlson of Fox News exposed globalist oligarch Paul Singer, an influential Republican Party donor, for using his Wall Street clout to gut a small town in Nebraska.
Carlson showed how Singer’s influence to push the merger between retail giants Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shop devastated Sidney, Nebraska and left the town’s economy in complete disrepair:
In October 2015, Singer’s hedge fund disclosed an 11 percent stake in Cabela’s and set about pushing the board to sell the company. Cabela’s management, fearing a long and costly fight with Singer, announced it would look for a buyer. At the time, Cabela’s was healthy. The company was posting nearly $2 billion a year in gross profits, off $4 billion in revenue. There was no immediate need to sell. But they did anyway. One year after Singer entered the equation, Bass Pro Shops announced the purchase of Cabela’s. The company’s stock price surged. Within a week, Singer cashed out. He’d bought the stock for $38 a share. He sold it for $63. His hedge fund made at least $90 million up front, and likely more over time…
The residents of Sidney didn’t get rich. Just the opposite. Their community was destroyed. The town lost nearly 2,000 jobs. A heartbreakingly familiar cascade began: people left, property values collapsed, and then people couldn’t leave. They were trapped there. One of the last thriving small towns in America went under. We recently sent two producers to Sidney, to survey the wreckage and consider what happened. Our producers talked to more than a dozen former Cabela’s employees. Almost all of them refused to speak on camera, fearful of legal retribution from the famously vicious Paul Singer.
While Carlson was right to put Singer on blast, there are many other globalist vultures who are feasting on the remains of America and the rest of the world. Sadly, many of them hold significant sway in the Republican Party and with the Trump administration.
The most influential global firms in the field of vulture capital include Singer’s Elliot Management as well as FG Hemisphere, Canyon Capital Advisors, OakTree Capital, Monarch Alternative Capital, Tilden Park Investment Master Fund LP, Cerberus, GoldenTree Asset Management, Aurelius Capital Management, Fundamental Advisors, Autonomy Capital, and the Baupost Group.
These organizations are globalist in nature, and always looking to exploit the greedy and corrupt nature of governments. They are particularly rapacious in the third-world, and the case study of Puerto Rico demonstrates their malign influence. Puerto Rico announced their municipal bankruptcy in 2018 based on more than 74.8 billion in debt that they could not pay back, and the money was owed to the vultures.
The debt was owed to all of the aforementioned venture capital groups, save Cerberus, and they demand payment at the direct expense of the people. They showed their villainy after Hurricane Maria caused death and destruction in Puerto Rico in September 2017 when the island nation temporarily stopped payment to their creditors to handle disaster relief.
In the aftermath of the disaster, the vultures saw a new opportunity to extract more money from the beleaguered population. The Prepa (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority) Bondholder group, a conglomerate of many different vultures, attempted to foist $1 billion in new loans on Puerto Rico while they were at their most vulnerable. The government was insulted by the proposal of the vultures to shamelessly profit from human misery.
“Such offers only distract from the government’s stated focus and create the unfortunate appearance that such offers are being made for the purpose of favorably impacting the trading price of existing debt,” the Puerto Rico’s Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority said in a statement.
Unfortunately, these vultures have their claws hooked into the White House – despite the Trump administration’s pledge to put America first. Stephen Feinberg, founder and CEO of Cerberus, was named chair of Trump’s Intelligence Advisory Board in May 2018. Feinberg owns DynCorp, a defense contractor that profits heavily from the continued U.S. occupation of Afghanistan. Trump has attempted to scale back the U.S. presence in Afghanistan multiple times as President, but always seems to get tripped up. Perhaps it’s because Trump’s own Intelligence Advisory Board chair is heavily incentivized monetarily for the President to fail at bringing the troops home.
It has troubled many patriotic Trump supporters why it has been so hard for the President to enact his mandate of closing the border, building the wall, bringing the troops home, and draining the Washington D.C. swamp. The answer is the money masters behind the Republican Party are keeping Trump’s agenda from coming to fruition, and the vultures – who are among the worst of what modern capitalism has to offer – are exerting their undue influence to sabotage the President and maintain the globalist status quo.