Firebombed Pregnancy Center Claims FBI Took Security Footage, Won’t Give Back Because It Could ‘Inspire Right Wing Terrorism’

CEO of CompassCare Rev. James Harden recently went on Tucker Carlson to discuss the firebombing at his pro-life pregnancy resource center.

He explained how the FBI is not cooperating with them, and that no arrests were made after his center was attacked by radical pro-abortion terrorists.

Harden also said the FBI took security footage, but won’t give it back because they say it could inspire – get this – right wing terrorism.

“The FBI has gone from abdicating their duty to provide equal justice under the law to pro-life people like us, to downright attacking us,” Harden stated on Carlson’s show. 

“And that was our concern when we filed a suit against the Amherst police department taking charge of the investigation to get our videotape back so we can start to prosecute whoever the perpetrators are,” he added.

“I was concerned they would engage in character assassination, that is the FBI, that would be their next step,” Harden continued.

“Over 70 attacks on pro-life organizations across the country, ZERO arrests. You know, it’s naive to think that the largest law enforcement agency on the globe, with the best forensic technology known to man doesn’t know not a SINGLE person who’s engaging in these attacks. If it’s not the FBI doing it, they certainly know who is, and they are simply choosing not to make arrests.”

Harden obviously now knows he should have made a copy of the security footage before giving it over to the FBI. 

During the interview, he called “Jane’s Revenge,” the group that took credit after it firebombed Harden’s pregnancy center, the “pro-abortion terrorist group.”

“They’re getting a pass. A pass!” he proclaimed. “Jane’s Revenge is the democratic party’s new KKK and the new cross in the front yard is burning down pregnancy centers.”

Then Carlson asked: “Were you really told that you could not have your own surveillance tapes back because those tapes of a firebombing of your property might inspire right-wing terrorism?” 

“I mean it doesn’t seem real,” he added.

“Yes! Yes!” Harden replied. “We’re in the process of suing, there’s active litigation in process right now, to get our video back so we can just see it. In fact, the town attorney representing the police department went so far as to… characterize pro-life people support us as ‘AK-47 gun toting people, going around bombing and killing people.’ They’re vilifying us.”

Harden’s encounter with the FBI shows that America is facing a two-tiered justice system. One that can somehow spin a firebombing story on an innocent pro-life pregnancy center as a gateway for right-wing terrorism.

The hypocrisy is astounding. But perhaps that’s the point.

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