CENSORED: Ben Garrison Cartoons Taken Offline

Ben Garrison’s cartoons grace many people’s twitter feed and Facebook feed if they are following him. His graphics tell a whole story sometimes with text connected to it. Sometimes the picture suffices. Everyone has a personal favorite. Mine is this comprehensive depiction of the incredible historical events unfolding before our eyes.

According to his own about page “Ben Garrison is an independent political cartoonist based in Northwest Montana. Ben began drawing cartoons in 2009 to protest the central banker bailout, bloated government and the slide toward tyranny. Ben’s cartoons have been seen by millions of people around the world. Ben is not part of the mainstream media and editors do not tell him what he can and cannot draw.”

On Sunday afternoon after posting his most recent cartoon post titled “Ten Reasons Not to Mourn McCain” his website was taken down for over 8 hours indicating that apparently he had some code that was “bloated” and said they needed to rectify it unless they rectified and it didn’t make sense as to how it worked earlier and suddenly didn’t .  He later found out that the problem was his John McCain cartoon .

His cartoon was accompanied with ten valid points all nicely written, all factual and all supportive of the title’s main theme.  Regardless, if one agrees with the post or not (I absolutely loved it) the fact of the matter is his whole site was taken down.  This was not a social media censorship , this was “take you down and you have no server” censorship which is alarming.  If social media can no longer censor so blatantly in a discriminatory manner can web hosting sites literally shut down your website because they don’t agree with your point of view?  This attack and collective effort of censorship by Big Tech is threatening our First Amendment and is christening the beginning of  silencing those that oppose the “approved” narrative.  The real question is WHO’S approved narrative? It’s not the President and definitely not the people … then who?

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