Chicago Prosecutor Who Let Off Jussie Smollett in Insider Deal Referred for Ethics Violations

A Chicago state attorney who was responsible for dropping the initial hate hoax criminal charges against now-convicted fraudster Jussie Smollett has been referred for ethics violations by the state special prosecutor that convicted Smollett.

Dan Webb, a special prosecutor appointed to charge Smollett for a hate hoax in which he faked an attack by who he said were racist Trump supporters, has released a 60-page report on the conduct of Kim Foxx, the Cook County State’s Attorney who dropped Smollett’s disorderly conduct charges in April of 2019.

Webb is accusing the partisan Democrat of “substantial abuses of discretion” in showing favoritism to the hate hoaxster, letting him off the hook without admitting guilt to any crime and conducting a few days of community service.

When [Foxx was] asked by Webb if she agreed that trying to get Mr. Smollett out of town due to press attention might not be the right reason to come up with a disposition, she said that she agreed,” Webb’s report states. “She further explained, ‘I think the kind of negotiating, let’s get rid of that guy [Mr. Smollett] at the expense of really what his actions did to the City shortchanged, I think, the accountability that the City deserved.’”

A now-retired Cook County judge isn’t mincing words on the implications of Webb’s report, having appointed Webb to oversee a special prosecution of the Smollett hate hoax. Sheila O’Brien told the Chicago Sun Times that the report, released after Smollett’s conviction last week, shows that Foxx is”a liar and her office is chaos.

Smollett was convicted on five counts of disorderly conduct earlier this month. His sentencing for the hoax, which involved the employment of two Nigerian bodybuilder brothers posing as racist white Trump supporters, is scheduled for January.

Webb’s report indicates he’s referring Foxx to the Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission for ethics violations, although he says the false statements and insider dealings involved in Smollett’s favors don’t amount to criminal violations.

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