Chick-fil-A’s Charity Director Donated to the Presidential Campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama
The Chick-fil-A Foundation’s executive director donated to the presidential campaigns of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama when they were seeking higher office, Federal Election Commission records have shown.
Executive director Rodney Bullard joined Chick-fil-A in 2011 to head its foundation, which now handles all charitable contributions for the leading chicken restaurant chain. He gave $1,000 to the Clinton campaign in 2016, and gave $1,000 to the Obama campaign in 2008.
Although they have alienated their Christian support base with their decision to cut off pro-family charities, Chick-fil-A is still attempting to preserve the facade that they haven’t turned their backs on the principles that have caused the franchise ti grow exponentially.
“Our goal is to donate to the most effective organizations in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger. No organization will be excluded from future consideration – faith based or non-faith based,” Tim Tassopoulos, president and COO of Chick-fil-A, said last week.
They are also paying lip service to Christian leaders such as Rev. Franklin Graham, who accepted the lip service from a Chick-fil-A executive without doing much, if any, research about their decision.
“I picked up the phone and called [Chic-fil-A CEO] Dan Cathy. Dan was very clear that they have not bowed down to anyone’s demands, including the LGBTQ community. They will continue to support whoever they want to support,” Graham wrote in a Facebook post.
“They haven’t changed who they are or what they believe. Chick-fil-A remains committed to Christian values. Dan Cathy assured me that this isn’t going to change. I hope all those who jumped to the wrong conclusion about them read this,” he added.
Although Graham may continue to shill for Chic-fil-A, their decision to deny charitable funds to Salvation Army and instead re-direct them to Covenant House International shows how shameful their decision truly is.
Big League Politics reported on how Covenant House was founded by a Catholic priest accused of using the charity as a front to sexually assault vulnerable young boys:
In his open letter, Staver noted that Chic-fil-A would no longer be donating to Salvation Army and would instead fund Covenant House International.
Covenant House is a charity rooted in the Catholic Church that targets homeless children and brings them into their facilities. It was founded by Father Bruce Ritter in 1973. Abuse victim Darryl Bassile claims that Ritter sexually abused him after bringing him into the Covenant House when he was a homeless youth.
Bassile was denied the ability to file a lawsuit in 1993 against Ritter, Covenant House and the Conventual Franciscans because the statute of limitations had expired. Ritter died in 1999.
“At 14, what was I to do? Was I to say no? Was I to be put back on the streets?” Bassile said earlier this year. “I stayed, and I endured until I could go someplace else.”
“You learn to live, but you never really find closure,” he said to the New York Daily News, adding that the sexual abuse he suffered gave him post-traumatic stress disorder.
Covenant House is an extremely LGBT-friendly, supporting the annual New York City gay pride parade with a float and the hashtag #CovUnity. It also helps to fund the LGBT agenda on a national basis.
With a Democrat in charge of the Chic-fil-A Foundation and contributions going toward an alleged pedo front, their betrayal could not be more clear. Chic-fil-A has turned their back on the Christians who built their business.