CNN Publishes Actual Chinese Propaganda on Coronavirus Containment

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CNN directly cited propaganda produced by the Chinese military bragging about how efficiently the People’s Liberation Army Navy handled the coronavirus epidemic in a story on Tuesday.

The network cited Chinese state media reports about recent Chinese naval operations. The authoritarian communist nation is seeking to spike the football after an American aircraft carrier was stricken by an outbreak of the disease, staging naval exercises in the Pacific as the U.S. Navy works to control the disease within its Pacific fleet.

The liberal news network cited Chinese reports without so much as even a critical questioning of the subject matter.

A Chinese naval flotilla headed into the Pacific over the weekend, evidence that the People’s Liberation Army Navy has done a much better job controlling coronavirus than the US Navy, according to a story posted on the PLA’s English-language website.

You’d think that even the most slanted and partisan of American news entities would know better than to regurgitate clear propaganda from Chinese state media. Most Chinese media entities are state-controlled in one fashion or another, but CNN was actually citing the official website of the Chinese Navy.

CNN’s Jim Acosta also claimed President Donald Trump was “scapegoating” China for the global coronavirus outbreak, apparently forgetting that China’s track record of covering up the disease and silencing medical experts who sought to warn the public of its dangers is more than established.

CNN’s decline to parroting Chinese military propaganda is a sad, cautionary tale of what severe Trump Derangement Syndrome can lead to.

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