CNN Still Hasn’t Even MENTIONED Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade

After devoting significant editorial coverage towards accusations of sexual assault against both Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump, it appears CNN has yet to so much as even mention the allegations of sexual assault against Joe Biden made by former Senate aide Tara Reade.

A search for Reade’s name on CNN’s website comes up with no results at all.

It appears that CNN’s standards for covering sexual assault allegations contrast sharply when the target of the accusation is a conservative or Republican. Allegations made against Donald Trump and perhaps more notably Brett Kavanaugh were covered in detail.

Reade recently filed a criminal complaint against Biden for what she claims is his assault of her in 1993. She says Biden, a Senator at the time, “assaulted her in a Senate corridor, shoving his hand under her skirt and penetrating her with his fingers.” Biden has denied the allegations. Reade claims she’s been trying to tell the story for decades.

It’s hard to assess the veracity of Reade’s claim, and maybe it’s fair to question why the assault allegations are surfacing at a moment when Biden has become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. But CNN’s complete silence on Reade’s account utterly demonstrate that the network has no standing to selectively peddle assault allegations against conservatives and Republicans, as they’ve shown themselves more than willing to do.

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