CNN Will Run Hit Piece Documentary Bashing Infowars Founder Alex Jones Over the Weekend

The fake news leader CNN will run a hit piece on Infowars founder Alex Jones over the weekend, calling him the “megaphone for conspiracy.”

The so-called documentary will feature supposed experts talking about how Jones is such an evil man for exposing the globalist agenda for decades.

“Every one of those thought patterns that either three percenters, the QAnon group, the anti-vaxxers, he’s the foundation of all this stuff,” one CNN hack said.

“People always ask me: Does Jones believe the things that he says? I don’t know if it matters if he believes the things that he says because the people who listen believe the things that he says,” another hack said.

The trailer for the hit piece can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported on the unprecedented attacks against Jones’ 1st Amendment free speech rights in recent years:

After the recent controversy involving former White House Strategist for President Trump, Steve Bannon, the dreaded January 6th Committee is back and reaping for more. Bannon, who was indicted for Contempt of Congress after he failed to show up to a hearing after being subpoenaed by the committee Big League Politics has previously reported on reactions to Bannon’s indictment and an overall Democrat takeover over the government.

On Monday, the January 6th Committee announced 5 more names of individuals they deemed as “witnesses who helped or had knowledge of the planning and financing of the rallies in D.C. and the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol.” The most famous 2 of the 5 are Republican Operative Roger Stone and InfoWars radio sensation Alex Jones. The list also includes Duston Stockton, Jennifer Lawrence, and Taylor Budowich.

… Alex Jones also posted a lengthy video statement with his co-host Owen Shroyer, insisting that he had done nothing illegal and was in Washington DC peacefully, never entering the Capitol Building or inciting others to do so.

CNN is likely promoting Jones to buoy their disastrous ratings. Infowars has more credibility than CNN and the rest of the fake news media combined these days.

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