Violent Left
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Oct 15, 2020

Colorado Leftist Matthew Dolloff Formally Charged With Second-Degree Murder in Shooting of Conservative Demonstrator

By Richard Moorhead

The unlicensed “security guard” who was caught on camera shooting a conservative demonstrator in the head during a Denver, Colorado ANTIFA event has been formally charged with second-degree murder in the killing of US Navy veteran and hatmaker Lee Keltner.

30-year old Matthew Dolloff had been held in the Denver jail system on suspicion of first-degree murder as police investigated the shooting. The Denver District Attorney announced the charges on Thursday. If convicted, Dolloff face a mandatory prison sentence of between 16 and 48 years.

Big League Politics has identified Dolloff’s extreme left-wing views. The Denver police had originally identified him as merely a security guard with “no affiliation with ANTIFA,” but his social media postings reveal him to be a leftist ideologue with a potent dislike for Donald Trump supporters.

During the shooting, Dolloff was working as a “private security guard” for NBC News affiliate 9NEWS Denver. The liberal television station later admitted that they didn’t know the leftist ideologue they employed was armed, and that he was not properly licensed to act as a private security guard in the city of Denver.

The evidence for a murder conviction against Dolloff is strong, considering he’s on camera shooting Keltner. The Patriot Prayer demonstrator had merely slapped and shoved off the leftist- who, for some reason, was intervening in a verbal confrontation between Keltner and a Black Lives Matter demonstrator. The far leftist proceeded to draw a handgun and shoot Keltner in the head.

It’s entirely conceivable that Dolloff’s leftist views played a key role in his heinous shooting of a small businessman and patriot who was peacefully protesting in Denver’s civic center.