Comedian Bill Maher Calls Out Universities For Promoting Indoctrination

He made these remarks in light of the recent attack Hamas launched against Israel on October 7, 2023. He declared that Israel has “always had the moral high ground” in the war and called on Americans to not to go to college. 

A major theme of Maher’s recent YouTube segment was calling on Americans to eschew the university system. 

“And if you absolutely have to go, don’t go to an elite college,” he stated. “Because, as recent events have shown, it just makes you stupid.”

Maher also focused his attention on university students supporting Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. “The same students who will tell you that ‘words are violence’ and ‘silence is violence’ were very supportive when Hamas terrorists went on a rape and murder rampage worthy of the Vikings,” he remarked. “They knew where to point the fingers—at the murdered. And then it was off to ethics class.” 

He also called attention to an incident at Harvard University where north of 30 student organizations signed a joint statement criticizing Israel and justifying the actions of Hamas. 

“They’ve convinced themselves that Israel is the most repressive regime in history because they have no knowledge of history, or even a desire to know it,” he stated. “And actual history doesn’t come up in their intersectionality of politics and genderqueer identities class.” 

Maher subsequently noted that several Harvard student group signatories took their signatures out of the letter criticizing Israel shortly after they received backlash for their pro-Palestinian gesture. 

“Now, to be fair, at least five of the student groups have rescinded what they signed saying they didn’t read the letter closely,” he remarked. “And they promised not to make that mistake again after they graduate and start running the world,” added. 

Maher is correct about universities being indoctrination centers that make people dumber. These institutions have been thoroughly captured by the cultural Left and only serve to create a new generation of leftist automatons. 

With respect to the Israel-Hamas conflict, the US should stay neutral in this affair. Moreover, it must re-tool its relationship with the Jewish state. The Middle East is no longer of strategic significance and Israel is a questionable military ally to boot. 

It’s time for the US to not only start upholding values like free speech on university campuses, but also caring about its own interests when it comes to military affairs. 

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