COMPASSION: President Trump Sends Democrat Rep to White House Doctor for Lyme Disease Treatment

President Donald Trump met with several recovered coronavirus patients in the White House on Tuesday, including Michigan state representative Karen Whitsett of Detroit, an African-American Democrat lawmaker who has turned into an unlikely Trump advocate.
Whitsett shocked the Democrat establishment and fake news media last week when she applauded President Trump for recommending hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus. She believes that the prescription of hydroxychloroquine saved her life when she was stricken with the disease.
“Had you not brought this to the forefront … I wouldn’t be here today even having this conversation with you and being able to talk about the needs of Detroit,” Whitsett said during the meeting in the White House.
“I don’t see her voting for Sleepy Joe Biden,” Trump said in jest during the meeting in reference to Whitsett. “I’m not gonna ask her that question. If she votes for Sleepy Joe I’d be surprised.”
Trump also offered to Whitsett the use of White House doctors to treat her lyme disease after she said she had difficulty finding treatment for her condition in Detroit.
“People don’t know about lyme disease. It’s a very bad thing… It can kill you. If you have a certain type of blood, if you get lyme disease, it’s over,” Trump said.
Whitsett explained that she contracted lyme disease in her Detroit home as a five-year-old child, which came as somewhat of a surprise to Trump.
“Well, it’s like when I hit a ball into the rough in golf. You know what I say? Enjoy yourself! I’m not going in there! Lyme disease is pretty tough. It’s a bad one,” Trump said.
“I’d like you to see our doctor before you leave, ok, alright, I’m going to just say because sometimes they do have a very very powerful antibiotic and lets see if we can help you out, ok?” Trump added.
Trump noted that he did not care if it was illegal to send Whitsett and her husband to White House doctors and taunted the media a bit about the situation.
“Are you guys going to report me for being a horrible human being for doing something illegal? Did I do something illegal? Are you going to impeach me? Are you going to impeach me because I tried to help her out with her lyme disease?” Trump asked a reporter.
“Karen, you and your husband are going to come with me, and I am going to have you sent off to the White House doctor. They have really great doctors… They are prepared, and they are great, and we’re going to take you over, and maybe we can find something for you,” the president said to end his news conference.
Whitsett claimed during the conference that the people of Detroit desperately need hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus as cases in the city surge. She claimed that it took “less than two hours” before she started to feel relief from her coronavirus symptoms after being treated with hydroxychloroquine.
President Trump’s bold and compassionate leadership is mending fences and winning over the support of Democrat leaders throughout the coronavirus pandemic.