Congressman Warren Davidson Calls for the Repeal of the Income Tax 

Last week, the Biden regime announced its plan to hire 87,000 new IRS agents for the purposes of enhanced “enforcement.” Initially, in the job requirement for these new special agents positions, prospective candidates would be required to use “deadly force”. However, the IRS has appeared to take down the “deadly force” requirement. 

Nevertheless, several conservative members of Congress have been shaken to the core by this announcement. Ohio Congressman Warren Davidson was shocked so badly by the IRS’s latest announcement that now he’s calling for the abolition of the IRS. 

In a tweet that he posted on August 13, 2022, Davidson stated, “The IRS already has 4,600 armed agents with more than 5-million rounds of ammunition. Now they 6x the budget and add 5 infantry divisions worth of agents.

Time to repeal the 16th amendment (income tax) and use a far less invasive and more effective means of taxation. #FairTax

The FairTax is a national sales tax on purchases of new goods and services. Under such a system, the current income tax would be scrapped. It would be a significant upgrade to the current income tax system which stymies entrepreneurial activity and allows the government to unnecessarily intrude in the private affairs of individuals. 

Davidson is an interesting congressman who has been a solid proponent for cryptocurrencies and other forms of monetary competition. It makes sense why he would stand against the intrusive income tax. Hopefully, some of his Republican colleagues will step up and join him in promoting genuine economic freedom and disruptive technology that will undermine the managerial state.

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