Constitutional Carry is Signed into Law in Nebraska

On April 25, 2023, Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen signed Constitutional Carry bill, LB77, into law. This bill will allow lawful residents of Nebraska to carry firearms without having to beg the government for a permit.
As of the signing of the bill, it will go into effect in three months.
NAGR Deputy Director of Political Operations, Ryan Frasor, was present when Pillen added his signature to this bill. He declared, “We are thrilled that this important bill has been signed into law.” “Constitutional Carry is a crucial step in protecting the Second Amendment rights of Nebraskans. With this new law, law-abiding citizens can exercise their right to self-defense without being burdened by unnecessary and costly government regulations,” Frasor added.
Frasor noted that NAGR will continue working with elected officials and gun rights advocates nationwide to strengthen Constitutional Carry laws and safeguard the Second Amendment rights of lawful gun owners.
“We are proud of the role our members and organization played in the passage of this bill and we look forward to continuing our efforts to advance pro-gun legislation in Nebraska and beyond,” he remarked.
The signing of this Constitutional Carry bill will undoubtedly improve Nebraska’s pro-gun profile. According to a Guns & Ammo magazine’s most recent rankings for states that are friendliest towards gun ownership, Nebraska is in a disappointing 33rd place.
With the exception of a few states such as Louisiana and South Carolina, Constitutional Carry has engulfed all of red America. This is one of the biggest right-wing victories in recent times. However, this momentum cannot be allowed to stop.
The energy that was channeled to pass Constitutional Carry must now be used for more ambitious political projects that aim to nullify unconstitutional federal gun control laws and roll back the federal gun control state