‘Contact Your Doctor…No Time to Wait’: Pfizer Issues Urgent Warning about Pulmonary Embolisms Caused by Blood Clots

Pfizer has issued an ominous public warning about “deep vein thrombosis,” in what appears to confirm another so-called conspiracy theory that has been circulating for months.
Pfizer posted the warning on Twitter about deep vein thrombosis, the medical term for a blood clot in a deep vein, traveling to the lungs and causing a pulmonary embolism. They said if any individuals are having trouble breathing or experiencing chest pain, they should call a medical professional immediately.
“Contact your doctor if experiencing symptoms—this is no time to wait,” Pfizer stated.
Big League Politics has reported on how official propaganda organs like the CDC are trying to get ahead of the issue of blood clots being potentially caused by experimental COVID-19 vaccines:
“The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made an online post last Thursday announcing that anybody can get a blood clot, even if they are healthy and in peak physical condition. The post advised all Americans to watch out and defend themselves against “life-threatening blood clots.”
“#DYK that anyone can develop a blood clot?” wrote the CDC on Twitter. “Whether you’re an athlete or a fan, don’t let a blood clot ruin the big game this weekend. Learn how to protect your health.”
A small text entry featured on the CDC’s post image claims that “everyone is at a risk for blood clots,” and that “even the healthiest athletes get blood clots.”
Also included in the online post was a link to the CDC’s website, which describes and offers their definition of blood clots, medically defined as “Venous Thromboembolism.” A section at the link further points out that “10 to 30% of people will die within one month of diagnosis” with the condition.
… The topic of sudden deaths from surprise blood clots other potentially related conditions such as heart attacks has been more popular as of late, with many expressing concern over what appears to be an unusually large number of soccer players and other athletes who have suddenly collapsed or even died while playing a match.“
It seems we have learned what the first (of probably many) major long-term side effects of the COVID-19 jab will be. Expect many excuses from Big Pharma shills and soulless media hacks as reports of blood clots and complications shoot through the roof.