Convicted BLM Rioter Arrested for Arson in Washington As Massive Wildfires Blaze

A man with a lengthy history of left-wing political activism and a several misdemeanor convictions was arrested for allegedly setting a fire on a Washington highway as devastating wildfires burn throughout the western United States in Oregon, Washington and California.

Jeffrey Acord is a longtime Black Lives Matter activist and rioter who first was criminally charged with riot offenses during a 2014 Seattle protest, in which BLM activists reacted to the decision not to pursue criminal charges against Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson. Accord was arrested and charged with concealed carry violations at that event.

The Pullayup, Washington Police department claims to have caught Acord in the act of setting a fire in the median of Highway 167 in the state. He’s being charged with reckless burning in the second degree, a gross misdemeanor punishable by up to 364 days in jail.

In a shocking twist, Acord livestreamed his own arrest. He argued that he merely called police to report the fire, denying that he had anything to do with the fire’s origin, before police arrested him.

Local Washington law enforcement had confirmed to area citizens that the government suspected human involvement in several wildfires in the area.

A source confirmed to Protestor Privilege that Acord is not only being charged with starting the Tacoma highway fire, but that he’s a suspect in the origins of two other fires in the area as well. Acord has been booked into the Pullayup, Washington jail on unrelated charges of burglary. The two other fires Washington police are currently investigating with the potential of his involvement have destroyed four homes and burned more than 800 acres of land respectively.

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