Cook County Experienced Over 1,000 Homicides for First Time in Nearly 30 Years

Cook County has experienced north of 1,000 homicides for the first time in over 30 years. In Chicago alone, there were 777 homicides,

CBS 2 Chicago drew from data that the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office laid out. As of November 30, 2021, the county’s total homicides stood at 1,009. Of those homicides recorded, 927 were homicides involving guns.

The last time Cook County experienced over 1,000 homicides was 1994, when 1,141 homicides occurred. Cook County’s record for total homicides was 1,229 homicides, which was set in 1991. Last year, Cook County had 986 homicides, which represented a 40% increase from 2019’s total homicide numbers of 675.

So far in 2021, Chicago has had 777 homicides. This figure is higher than the total number of homicides the Chicago police reported in all of 2020. Last year, CPD reported 769 homicides.

Per the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office, the overwhelming majority of homicide victims were African American, 81% to be exact. Latinos were the next highest victim group, with 15% of homicide victims in Cook County being of that origin.  

According to CBS 2 Chicago, the oldest homicide victim in Cook County was 84 years old, while the youngest was only 1 month old. 

These increasing homicide numbers come against the backdrop of heightened conflicts between Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the Chicago Police Department  where the city has cut police positions and has even witnessed a growing law enforcement shortage as a result of anti-police policies and an overall anti-police atmosphere.

Chicago is located in a state, Illinois, that is not friendly towards lawful gun owners. According to Guns & Ammo magazine’s rankings for states that are friendly towards gun owners, Illinois is ranked in 41st place. With very little options to defend themselves and unreliable law enforcement services, Chicago residents have little options for public security.

Sadly, homicide numbers will likely continue going up in Cook County unless there is a mass course correction.

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