Court Documents Show FBI Paid Satanic Neo-Nazi ‘Atomwaffen’ Informant Over $140,000

Court documents have shown that an influential member of the violent satan-worshiping Neo Nazi organization, Atomwaffen, was on the federal dole for nearly two decades.
The court documents indicate that Joshua Caleb Sutter, publisher of Martinet Press and leader of the satanic O9A Tempel ov Blood sect, has been a federal informant since 2003, racking up over $140,000 from the FBI to lead this violent and unholy movement.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) profiled Sutter in their dossier about Atomwaffen:
“Martinet Press is run by Atomwaffen member Joshua Caleb Sutter, a former member of Aryan Nations. He and his wife, Jillian Hoy, lead Tempel ov Blood (ToB), an esoteric Satanist group that has deified many of the world’s most brutal and murderous authoritarian dictators. ToB is an affiliated sect of an international umbrella group known as The Order of Nine Angles (O9A). O9A was started in England in the 1960s. The enigmatic Satanic occult group’s most extreme adherents promote human sacrifice, Nazism, fascism and Aryan myths, and it has reportedly praised Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden. British extremist David Myatt is often noted among the group’s figureheads.”
This case shows how the feds often bankroll and infiltrate supposed extremist organizations as an excuse for their continued funding and ability to run roughshod over the Constitution.
Big League Politics has reported about how the supposed kidnapping plot of Governor Gretchen Whitmer was allegedly hatched by federal assets:
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) used at least 12 informants to stage the phony kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer that was announced shortly before last year’s election, according to a Buzzfeed report.
Defendants Barry Croft, Adam Fox, Daniel Harris, Kaleb Franks, and Brandon Caserta have all pleaded not guilty to the ridiculous and promulgated charges. The sixth defendant, Ty Garbin, folded and accepted a plea deal. The news that the so-called kidnapping plot was engineered by feds may ultimately demonstrate the innocence of these individuals in the court of law.
Attorneys for the defendants are alleging that prosecutors are essentially using propaganda against them to bias a jury and secure a conviction. Franks’ lawyer, Scott Graham, is requesting the case currently scheduled for October to be moved from the Western District of Michigan because the “press coverage of (and participation in) this matter has corrupted the potential trial atmosphere to the point that Mr. Franks will be denied a fair trial in Michigan.”
Graham also noted that the media participation in this case, which has included many dishonest politically-motivated headlines, may induce “prejudice in this case based on the extensive, negative, pervasive press coverage of the allegations.”
... Once again, the feds have busted their own plot and are using their false flag to demonize patriots and justify their own massive budgets. The deep state is out of control and has emerged as an existential threat to American freedom.”
The real extremist threat harming American freedom is the feds. The deep state is more ominous than any terror group on the planet.
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