COVID-19 Cases Remain Low in Eastern European Countries Despite Low Rates of Vaccination

Eastern European countries, such as Romania, have a low rate of vaccination, but strangely, are not experiencing an uptick in COVID-19 cases.
This phenomenon is largely being ignored because it is not congruent with the mass hysteria narrative preferred by Big Pharma, globalist bureaucrats and media elites. However, it seems to be consistent throughout all Eastern European countries that have resisted vaccine hysteria.
Meanwhile, countries with high vaccination rates, such as Israel, are seeing their hospitals overflow with COVID-19 patients and cases surge throughout the country.
Big League Politics has reported on how countries with the most vaccine compliance top the list of highest travel risk according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
“Many countries listed as a high travel risk by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have enforced vaccine compliance the best according to data from the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine.
The nations of Malta, the United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Uruguay, Chile, Bahrain, Mongolia, Israel and Ireland are on the CDC’s list of Level 4 countries for COVID-19 risk. This is despite all of these countries vaccinating well over 50 percent of their population, with countries listed reaching as high as 78.8 percent compliance.
The data compiled by JHU omits Gibraltar, which also appears as a Level 4 country by the CDC. Gibraltar has boasted 99 percent rates of vaccine compliance, the highest of any country in the world, which has corresponded with a recent case spike and a renewal of crippling lockdown policies.
The CDC advises Americans to “avoid travel to these destinations,” adding that “if you must travel to these destinations, make sure you are fully vaccinated before travel.” Of course, there is no guarantee that a fully-vaccinated traveler would be protected any more than the individuals in those countries where vaccination levels are high but cases continue to spike.
As the vaccines fail to contain the spread of the virus, pharmaceutical corporations that have already cashed out mightily due to the crisis get ready for their next fear-induced pay day…
As the data is further analyzed, it becomes clear that a cruel hoax is being perpetrated on the masses. The media campaign shaming skeptics of the vaccine is only obscuring the truth that these vaccines are far from efficacious.”
These figures suggest that the West is being duped into accepting the vaccine regime, and the vaccines may be causing cases to surge. It seems the “conspiracy theorists” are being vindicated yet again!
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