Creepy Porn Lawyer Set to Lose Ferrari in Divorce Settlement

It’s been a difficult few months for showboat attorney Michael Avenatti, also known as the Creepy Porn Lawyer.

Somehow, it would appear he hasn’t reached the very bottom of the barrel. If that could be possible for him.

Court documents filed in Orange County hold the CPL liable for over $1.9 in retroactive child support payments to his ex-wife, Lisa Storie-Avenatti. Avenatti would have to hand over a treasure chest of goodies and possessions, including his luxury 2017 Ferrari automobile and a pricey set of expensive jewelry.

A judge also ordered Avenatti to pay a monthly sum of $37,897 in child support, and $124,398 in spousal support. He was told to make immediate payments retroactive to January 2018, for a whopping sum of $1.5 million. In addition to the Ferrari, Avenatti’s law firm will have to transfer a share in a private jet to his ex-wife.

Should’ve gone for the pre-nup, dear boy.

The latest news about Avenatti’s personal finances comes as yet another indication that the California showman may be headed for personal bankruptcy. He’s been sued multiple times by business partners for failing to pay agreed-upon compensation for services rendered. Last month, his law firm lost a legal dispute with its office landlord and was evicted from its office space.

You would almost feel bad for someone being forced to shell out what seems likely to be countless millions of dollars to their former spouse. But most will sleep peacefully at night knowing that the individual on the hook for the massive payments couldn’t be a worse guy.

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