CUTIES ON STEROIDS: HBO Show ‘Transhood’ Shows LGBT Cult Induction of Transgender Kids

A clip from a new HBO show “Transhood” is quickly going viral, showing an LGBT ritualistic cult induction of abused transgender children.

“Today we choose to recognize, honor, love and celebrate anyone here who would claim their identity publicly as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, pansexual, asexual, or any category that I left out,” the satanic priestess announced.

This is when an abusive monster of parent brought up their severely neglected children to announce their induction into the LGBT cult.

A child called “Phoenix” was brought up to the stage by her morbidly obese mother. Phoenix looked scared and apprehensive as the adult figures attempted to coerce the boy into saying he was a girl. When he refused, the mother just did it for him.

“May you be well, safe and whole. We honor you exactly as you are,” the cult chanted at the poor abused child as he was given a flower by the demonic priestess.

The clip can be seen here:

“Transhood” may have taken the prize from “Cuties” as this year’s most grotesque, perverted and exploitative show produced by Hollywood to victimize children.

Big League Politics reported months ago on how Netflix’s “Cuties” glorified a dance troupe of underage girls twerking to discover their sexuality and womanhood:

The child-exploiting Netflix film “Cuties” is drawing widespread anger across social media for its content sexualizing children, which critics believe is normalizing pedophilia.

The French producer of the film, Zangro, revealed in an interview with Variety that hundreds of little girls were brought in during the casting call and made to gyrate their bodies sexually at the behest of the movie’s producers.

“The casting process was a saga. We spent over six months and saw 650 candidates and it was only in the very last hour of the last day that we found Fathia. It was a really emotional moment,” Zangro said, referring to the young girl who was eventually cast in the leading role.

Zangro also spoke of the bizarre relationship the children in the cast had with the movie’s director, Maïmouna Doucouré. Doucouré is of African descent but referred to as French in spite of her origin.

“She has a deep and intimate relationship with them. She acts with them. She cries, and they cry. There’s a magical link and a deep sense of trust,” Zangro said.

Zangro confirmed that the movie was produced for the purposes of changing people’s perceptions with regards to child sexuality, with diversity used as the hook to promote this perverse content.

“We’re interested in telling stories that involve minority communities in France, such as Muslim communities and African communities,” he said.

“People tend to have fixed ideas on these issues and want to take a stand, but we’re looking for a non-judgmental approach, often exploring comedy. We think these are important projects that can change people’s preconceived views,” Zangro added.

The globalists are getting ready to add the P to the end of LGBT. This is the hell that tolerance has wreaked upon the West.

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