D.C. ‘Reporters’ Were Wrong (Again) About the ‘We Build the Wall’ Project

On Monday, We Build the Wall, a nonprofit that raised money via crowdfund to build a border wall on private land, released a video showing at least a half mile of wall it built in New Mexico with the money it raised, proving the left wing, fake news media detractors wrong.

“Shocker! The GoFundMe Campaign to Build the Wall Is a Bust,” was the headline of a May 10 piece by Will Sommer in The Daily Beast.

Sommer’s piece implied that the entire project, led by triple amputee veteran Brian Kolfage, was a scam designed to bilk money from unsuspecting donors.

“More than a week into May, though, We Build the Wall hasn’t shown any proof that any ground has been broken, and donors say they weren’t invited to any promised groundbreaking ceremony,” Sommer’s piece said.

Sommer quoted one donor with whom he actually spoke, but the rest of his piece relied on a few Twitter and Facebook messages to justify his claim that donors were frustrated with a lack of progress an transparency. The project has hundreds of thousands of donors.

“Donors to the group have begun taking out their frustrations on the organization’s Facebook page, which often hypes the threat of immigrants crossing the border illegally,” Sommer wrote.

He provided two examples of donors asking about the project on Facebook.

Big League Politics reached out to Sommer for comment, but he did not immediately respond.

The extent to which the group will be able to secure the border remains unknown, but it appears that it is attempting to make good on its promises, despite what the armchair “reporters” in Washington, D.C. believe.

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